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Extension APIs

Inspector Panels

See the inspector panels section in the guide for more information.


Add a custom inspector panel to the Lookbook instance.

Lookbook.define_panel(<name>, <partial_path>, <opts?>)

A unique, ‘slug-friendly’ name for the panel

Type: Symbol | String

Path to the partial template used to render the panel

Type: String

Hash of panel options

Type: Hash
Lookbook.define_panel(:info, "panels/info", {
  label: "Extra Info"


Remove an inspector panel from the UI


The name of the panel to remove

Type: Symbol | String


Edit the properties of an existing (custom or system) panel.

Lookbook.amend_panel(<name>, <opts?>)

The name of the panel to remove

Type: Symbol | String

Hash of panel options to override the default options with

Type: Hash
Lookbook.amend_panel(:params, {
  label: "Knobs", # change the tab text
  hotkey: "ctrl.k", # override hotkey
  position: 1 # move to first position in the tab list

Panel Options


The text to be displayed in the tab for the panel


keyboard shortcut to make panel become the active tab

Type: String

Disabled tabs are still accessible but are greyed out in the UI

Type: Boolean

Whether or not to display the tab/panel

Type: Boolean,Default: true

If present, the panel will display a copy button that copies the value of this property to the clipboard when clicked

Type: String

Position of the tab in the tab list

Type: Integer

A Hash of local variables that will be passed to the panel when it is rendered

Type: Hash

Param inputs

See the param inputs section in the guide for more information.


Add a custom param input for use with @param tags

Lookbook.define_param_input(<name>, <partial_path>, <opts?>)

A unique, ‘slug-friendly’ name for the input

Type: Symbol

Path to the partial template used to render the input

Type: String

Hash of input options

Type: Hash
Lookbook.define_param_input(:url, "inputs/url")

Custom Tags

See the custom tags section in the guide for more information.


Add a custom tag for use when annotating component previews

Lookbook.define_tag(<name>, <arg_names?>)

A unique, ‘slug-friendly’ name for the tag

Type: Symbol

Array of positional argument names to match to values when parsing the tag body contents

Type: Array
Lookbook.define_tag(:status, [:current_status])

Lifecycle Hooks

See the hooks section in the guide for more information.


Run once Lookbook has been set up and the initial parsing of files has been completed.

Lookbook.after_initialize do |app|
  puts "Lookbook version #{app.version} has started"
  puts "There are #{app.previews.size} previews and #{app.pages.size} pages"
  # other code here...


Run each time a change is detected to a file that Lookbook is watching, unless listening for changes has been disabled in the config.

Receives a hash as the second argument with :modified, :added, and :removed properties, each of which is an array of affected file paths.

Lookbook.after_change do |app, changes|
  puts "Modified files: #{changes.modified.join("\n")}"
  puts "Added files: #{changes.added.join("\n")}"
  puts "Removed files: #{changes.removed.join("\n")}"


Run when the current process exits, after Lookbook has stopped any listeners.

Lookbook.after_initialize do |app|
  puts "Shutting down..."